The Mark of the Beast is the HAMMER & SICKLE

The Hammer & Sickle is the mark of the Beast and the USSR was the Beast "that was". Restored, its wound healed, it will become the eighth kingdom wihch will persecute the saints, conquer the whole world, and make war on Jesus Christ at the Battle of Armageddon.

The number of the Beast is 616

Therestron TRTZ

616 signifies the name "Beast" and the number "616" whichever way it faces

Transliterated from Greek to Aramaic, and vice versa, the letters that spell the name "Beast" in the Greek and Aramaic language respectively, comprise the number 616. Therestron

The name of the Beast is "Beast" (therion in Greek, cheivah in Aramaic)

The name of the Beast is "Beast" in Greek: θηριον.

The mark of the name of the Beast (THERION)

The Hammer & Sickle signifies the name "Beast" in Greek, which is ΘΗΡΙΟΝ in capital letters. In lower case letters THERION is spelt θηριον.

The Greek word for "Beast" (therion) is signified by the use of acrophony in the Hammer & Sickle. The names of the letters of the Greek and Hebrew alphabet are based on the names of actual objects. Aleph/alpha is named after the word for "ox". Bet/beta is named after the word for "house", and so on. The mark itself, the head of the hammer, the handle, and the sickle (a hook) represent the letters Tav, Resh, Yod, and Vav which mean "mark", "head", "handle" and "hook" respectively. Transliterated, Tav, Resh, Yod, and Vav signify the Greek word for "beast": θηριον (therion).


Transliterated from Greek to Hebrew, and vice versa, the Hebrew/Greek letters that spell the name "Beast" (cheivah/therion) make the number 616. The Hammer & Sickle is a monogram of the letters that comprise this number.

The Soviet Union is the Beast

There are seven reasons supporting this interpretation:

The Soviet Union will be restored

The Soviet Union suffered a "mortal wound" when it fell in 1991, but that wound has almost healed and the Soviet Union will be restored to become the eighth kingdom, namely the Beast "that is to come". The Beast's Ten Horns are the former Soviet Republcs which are now briefly enjoying independence and sovereignty. They will soon hand their "royal" power over to the Russian Federation, the Beast/"Little Horn" (Dan. 7:8), once Putin has uprooted three of these former Soviet Republics. Georgia, Ukraine are being uprooted and perhaps Moldova will be the third.

Christians! Wake up!

Nero is not the Beast. The Son of Perdition is yet to come

The heads of the Beast represent kingdoms, not individual kings

The number of the Beast is not 666 but 616 instead

The Seventieth Week of Daniel is comprised of two half-weeks, not one half-week

There is no Great Parenthesis. The Seventieth Week extends from Christ's resurrection to his parousia

Babylon the Great does not signify Rome but Mecca instead

The seven mountains do not represent Rome but the lands and peoples of the fallen seven kingdoms now under Islam

The Beast need not to have been identifiable to contemporarires of John. The prophecy of Revelation prophesies events that were to take place shortly around the time of the prophecy and to events occurring right up until the return of Christ and beyond

The First Beast represents both the USSR and the Son of Perdition

The Second Beast represents both the State of Israel and the False Prophet

The mark does not signify a personal name, just as the Chi Rho symbol signifies "Christ", not the personal name of Christ

Presumably such fallacies are engendered by a lack of faith in the prophecy Revelation. Too many assume that Revelation is merely code for events happening at the time of John when in fact this prophecy is a geniune prophecy revealed to John by an angel and not just made up by John's imagination.

Richard Wurmbrand's book Marx and Satan

The book Marx & Satan greatly influenced the writer of this website. Wurmbrand (1909-2001) was an evangelical minister who endured a total of fourteen years of Communist imprisonment and torture in his homeland of Romania. Many of his books intimate that the USSR is the Beast.

In Soviet Saints he asks if Communism will mellow, and concludes that it will not because:

in the book of Revelation, chapter thirteen, we read that the beast will have power to overcome the saints.

In The Overcomers, he records how nuns who refused to wear "the badge of the Antichrist" when asked to wear the uniform of prisoners had to walk naked through the freezing snow at a freezing temperature as a punishment.

In Sermons In Solitary Confinement, he asks:

Which of us could bear to see all the seven heads and ten horns of the red dragon of Communism?

In a chapter about latter day prophecies in The Answer to the Atheist’s Handbook he writes:

In a general sense, communism itself is a fulfilment of prophecy. It is like the great Antichrist predicted in the Scriptures: It was granted to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them. And authority was given him over every tribe, tongue, and nation (Revelation 13:7)

In his book If that were Christ, would you give him your blanket? Wurmbrand states that Christians should have been on the side of the Underground Church in Communist countries, not on the side of the official church leaders, who were stooges of the anti-man Communists. Wurmbrand asks:

If anybody makes friendship with them [the Communists] and obeys them now, what will be his attitude when the Anti-Christ will appear?

In Tortured for Christ he records how Russian soldiers professed that the Hammer and Sickle was a symbol of the Antichrist:

These Russian Christians had such beautiful souls! They said: We know that the star with the hammer and sickle, which we wear on our caps, is the star of the anti-Christ. They said this with great sorrow. They helped us greatly to spread the gospel among other Russian soldiers.

The convictions of these Russian soldiers were well founded, for the Hammer and Sickle is the number of the Beast.